North Atlanta Cluster Principals
Back row L-R:
Jay Bland (Morris Brandon ES),
Dr. Dominique Merriweather (Sutton MS),
Dwight Hutson (Sarah Smith ES),
Not pictured - Interim Principal Allyson Atwell (Warren T. Jackson ES),
Curtis Douglass (North Atlanta HS)
Front row L-R:
John Waller (E. Rivers ES), Stacey Perot (Garden Hills ES),
Shavaun Mincey (Bolton Academy ES)
Please contact us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
NAPPS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization comprised of community members who reside within the boundaries of the North Atlanta High School cluster region as defined by Atlanta Public Schools.
NAPPS was established in 1978 to promote public support for public education which remains its core goal today.
We do this through collaboration with school-based and external community partners, hosting programs relevant to the community, facilitating connections between neighborhoods and schools, and monitoring and taking action on legislative activity that directly impacts public schools.
Promoting support for public education requires the efforts of many groups, including PT(S)As/PTOs, GO-Teams, Foundations, and other groups typically based inside our schools. While NAPPS collaborates with each of these groups, much of our work centers around engaging with our external community, including homeowners and business owners who might not have students enrolled in public schools and other APS community-based advocacy groups in support of various initiatives.
Throughout the school year, NAPPS hosts events to appeal to our entire community. To support the K-12 continuum, we typically host an IB (International Baccalaureate) forum each year for families from elementary through early high school to learn about our cluster's signature program, how it applies to their kids currently, and how it can benefit them. Other examples of events that NAPPS hosts are forums on school security, candidate forums for local elections, cluster spirit events at a North Atlanta sports event, meet and greet with the board of education and the superintendent, an opportunity to hear from some North Atlanta seniors about their journeys to graduation, and others.
Another critical element of our work is legislative monitoring. We track and share important issues under consideration by the APS Board of Education and the Georgia State Legislature. When appropriate, we organize through calls to action to ensure that the needs of public school students are being met.
Note that these are the core aspects of what NAPPS does each year. NAPPS board members often serve on advisory committees and other specially designated APS groups. Current events often dictate our annual priorities, but our mission does not change.
Like those groups, NAPPS is a non-profit organization, but it does not raise or give money to projects. NAPPS is also not engaged in the governance of schools and does not, as an entity, participate in any school-related policy or budget-setting discussions.
NAPPS collaborates with each of these organizations; however, most of its work is based in the community outside of the school building. We work to promote the virtues of public schools to homeowners, business owners, and others in our cluster who might have an interest in our schools but might not have kids in our schools.
If you live in the North Atlanta cluster region, you are automatically a member of NAPPS, even if you don't have kids in our schools. We encourage everyone to get involved.
The board is comprised of two co-presidents serving staggered two-year terms.
The rest of the board is comprised of the following positions, each serving a one-year term.
Community Outreach/Engagement Chair
Communications Chair
At least one representative from each of our eight schools
The NAPPS leadership team welcomes anyone who would like to join. Please get in touch with us and let us know what you're interested in.